10285 Ravenna Road – Twinsburg Ohio 44087

Blue Christmas

bluechristmas_3779csmallSince 2016 Christ the King has held a Blue Christmas Evening Prayer Service for those who may not feel joyful at Christmas time due to their circumstances. The service included prayer and song as well as an opportunity for the laying on of hands and anointing with oil. Worshipers could also light a candle in memory of loved ones.  In 2020 the service was online only because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“While Advent is a season of hope and Christmas is a season of joy, not everyone feels hopeful or like celebrating. Grief, illness, aging, depression, loneliness, unemployment, and loss are magnified. Even those who are not struggling with losses may feel the stress of preparations and expectations around Christmas time. A Longest Night/Blue Christmas service may provide a time and place of solace during the often frenetic days surrounding the celebration of Christmas. We come together seeking healing and room to share grief, sadness, loneliness, or confusion when these emotions often feel out of place during the holidays.

“In the Northern Hemisphere, December 21 is the longest night, the winter solstice. It marks the shortest day of the year, the official start of winter. Tradition says that nature and all her creatures stop and hold their breath to see if the sun will turn back from its wanderings, if the days will lengthen and the earth will once again feel the sun’s warmth. On this darkest day of the year, we come with our honest yearnings seeking the return of light and hope.” – From Sundays and Seasons.com. Copyright 2016 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #21746.

CtK's weekly Worship with Holy Communion begins at 10:00 AM on Sundays.

Click on artwork for link to recent worship bulletins.

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